Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Organic Food

I am very much into organic food now. I believe that it is more nutritious and has no chemicals that are carcinogenic. Organic food is usually double or triple the price so it can get quite difficult to continue buying organic food but I always tell myself 'your health is the best of wealth'. The way I do it is that I rarely eat out or get take away because I figured the money I spend buying out I can buy organic food and cook it at home - usually it adds up to the same price the only difference is i'm eating top quality food that is good for you and taste better. Apart from it being healthy the food is produced to be environmentally sustainable which we all need to do to keep earth a good place to live.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oranges and Vitamin C

When I was sick I used to drink 4 freshly squeezed oranges daily because it is full of Vitamin C and Antioxidants. I suggest using organic oranges but they are usually quite expensive - I'm sure normal oranges will do and any fruit with high vitamin c and anti oxidants will do too. Read My Story click here
I read that food additive numbered 211 can react with Vitamin C in our body and makes Benzene which is a toxin that can affect the blood. This additive can be found in some processed foods including some soft drinks. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greens Plus Superfood

I believe the Greens Plus is the rolls royce of vitamin supplement. It is so good for you, when i regularly use this product i rarely get sick and feel like my body can handle more stress than normal eg. work harder. if you take this product there is no need to use the HiVita multivitamins but i suggest keeping some HiVita around as it is convenient to take when you are on the go. This is another product that is hard to find in stores, its from the USA - i think you can get it online or contact them to see where you can find it in your area. Here is the link to their website click here. My Story click here


I take HiVita Stress multivitamins regularly. I usually take 1 a day just before a meal. Sometimes when i am sick or been working a lot i'll take up to 4 tablets just before i have something to eat. i have tried taking other brands of multivitamins the difference with HiVita is that i can really feel this one working - I usually feel it improve my circulation especially in my hands as they become quite warm and the veins are more visible. its an Australian owned product, difficult to find in stores but i think you can buy direct from their website. Here is the link click here. Just a note that some of my friends also use this product but they can only have one tablet per day or every couple of days because their body responds to it really well, if they take too much they get flushes - I think this shows that this product really works but too well for some people. My Story click here

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Story in the beginning

I was diagnosed with Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (APML sub type of APL) when I was 23 years old, I am now 36 years old. It has been over 10 years and I am cured of the disease.
I remember the day before I decided to go to the doctors I found symptoms of easy  bruising, blood rashes and becoming short of breath very easily. I went to the local doctor and was given a blood test; the next day I received a call to see him. At this point I knew something was wrong - I got ready, I felt much sicker then yesterday, easily running out of breath walking down the hill to see the doctor.
He saw me immediately without having to wait and told me the blood results are back and it shows that I may have leukaemia and I needed to go to the hospital now. I felt like I got hit by a bus when he told me.
I had to go through 4 batches of Chemotherapy with each batch needing a week to be administered.
After the first batch I was diagnosed as in remission but I had to have 3 more just in case and stayed in remission throughout. At the end of the Chemotherapy my doctor told me that he would like me to go through radiotherapy to hopefully keep me in remission which I declined, I remained in remission and now I am considered cured of Leukemia.
Overall, I was sick for 9 months with most of the time having to stay in hospital.
Leaving the hospital life I immediately changed my lifestyle, started eating more fruits and vegetables and exercised regularly. Went back to studying, got a job and lived a normal life again but with a different outlook on life.
Before I got diagnosed I used to eat a lot of junk food and had very little fruits and veges, rarely exercised and I was a bit overweight. I am much healthier and happier now, I have a family with a healthy 3 year old daughter.
I would like my blog to be an opportunity to share what I did to fight cancer and stay healthy in the hope that it may help others.
I would like to thank my family, friends, nurses & doctors who supported me through this tough time, all of you helped me to stay positive and continue fighting.

*PLEASE NOTE: In my blog I will be sharing how and what I did to fight the cancer I had. I will be sharing particular foods I ate, products I used and alternate health practitioners I saw etc. I would like to let you  know that I do not have any arrangement or get paid from any products company or practitioners  that I mention in my blog. It is just to share what I believed helped me to become healthy.
Please do your own research and seek professional advise before trying anything that I share in my blog.